Alacakaya Marble Inc which is one of the great and powerful brands of Natural Stone Sector, has 25 yearly experience in Anatolia, the cradle of civilization.
The company was established by Kemal Arslan and Cemil Yasli in 1984. It has adopted a management style which is open for innovation. Production with high quality which is developed day by day and unconditional customer satisfaction are accepted as basic principles.
In Elazıg Industrıal Zone Alacakaya Marble has been going on its production with its factory which has the atest technological machineries. It occupies 8000 m2 closed and totaly 17.000 m2 areas. It is an important employer in its region with its yearly block capacity of over 100.000 m3 and 500 employees.
Alacakaya marble gets kinds of stones from its own quarries of Elazıg, Malatya, Diyarbakir, Adiyaman, Karaman, Mersin, Adana, Agri and Siirt; it processes them in its own factory.
Alacakaya Marble has achieved to make these all kinds of marbles be used in several projects which are all over the World and it has important contributions to Turkish Marble’s branding process. It is the main producer of Rosso Levanto (Elazıg Cherry) which is very famous and in demand in all over the World.